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Our Year 6 Class Teacher is Mrs Sue Cockle
Oak Class is supported by Mrs Katherine Alder and Mrs Rachel Greer

PE Lessons
During the Autumn term, Oak class has PE on a Tuesday and Thursday

The children should attend school in their PE kit on these days, with their green school cardigan or jumper and wearing their trainers

Earrings and jewellery should not be worn and long hair should be tied up

Walking to and from School
We are aware that many Year 6 children will walk to and from school unaccompanied. Please remind the children the importance of social etiquette as they walk to and from school.

If you would like your child to walk to and from school unaccompanied, please ensure that you inform the school by letter or email.


Year 6 Topic

Reading at Home
Please find below recommended reading for Year 6 if you are looking for ideas for books for your child to read.
The World Book Day website offers some free audio books which parents/carers can listen to with their child. 

The Oxford Owl website also has free e-books for children, It is a great resource for encouraging reading, book choices, with expert advice, tips and activities to help parents support their child's education at home.  

Books for Year 6


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