Our school lunch providers are Lunch Time Co.
They provide quality ingredients that include Red Tractor Meat, Free Range Eggs & MSC sourced Fish.
All food is freshly cooked with ingredients from trusted suppliers.
Lunch Time Co provide great quality food that will help children grow and learn.
"Making lunchtime the highlight of your day"
Under the Government initiative, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal.
This can either be a hot lunch or a school packed lunch.
Children in Years 3 to 6 can either bring a home packed lunch into school or parents/carers can pay to have a school meal provided.
School dinners are £2.52 per meal and must be paid for in advance online via Arbor Pay.
The menu for the second half of the Autumn Term can be found below.
School Dinner Menus
Dairy Free Menus
Gluten Free Menus