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Personnel and Communication Committee: Reviews the staffing structure and produces questionnaires for parents, staff and pupils – Aisleen Bird (C), Nicola Everitt, Alex Houghton and Emma Gerry.

Finance and Premises Committee: Drafts the formal budget plan and establishes and maintains an up-to-date 3 year financial plan, advise the Governing Body on priorities, including Health and Safety and oversees arrangements for maintenanace, repairs and building works – Susan Hayter, Rosie (C) Hancock, Roberta Mason and Emma Gerry.

Learning and Achievement Committee: Considers and advises the governing body on standards and other matters relating to the school’s curriculum and monitors the impact of pupil premium funding – Emma Grocott (C), Helen Symons, TBC and Emma Gerry.

Headteacher’s Performance Review: Meets annually with the External Adviser to discuss the Headteacher’s performance targets – TBC (C).

Hearings Committee: Makes a determination to dismiss a member of staff – Helen Symonds, TBC and TBC.

Appeals Committee: Considers any appeal against a decision to dismiss a member of staff – Emma Grocott (C), TBC and TBC.

Pupil Discipline Committee: Considers the representations from parents in the case of pupil exclusion –  Susan Hayter (C), TBC and TBC.

Some governors also have a responsibility for a specific area:
Safeguarding – Susan Hayter
Looked After Children/Special Educational Needs – Susan Hayter
Link governor – Susan Hayter
Early Years – Reception Class Governor
Health and Safety – Roberta Mason
SRE governor - Emma Grocott

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