Freeman Community Primary School serves the villages of Stowupland, Creeting St. Peter and Earl Stonham.
We are a village school benefiting from well equipped classrooms and large grounds with a community woodland at the bottom of the school field.
The school caters for children aged 4 – 11. We have 206 children on roll with approximately half of the children coming from out of catchment through parental choice.
We are well staffed with 8.4 full time teachers, 2 higher level teaching assistants, 10 teaching assistants, 4 learning support assistants and 11 other members of support staff providing administration support, lunchtime supervision, cleaning and catering.
We have a Breakfast Club which runs every morning from 7.45am - 8.30am and a range of after-school clubs including ball games, dance and gymnastics.
We are also lucky enough to have a qualified Forest School Leader who runs weekly Forest School sessions throughout the year.
Every term a group of children are elected as School Councillors who address a range of issues important to them and the school.
We also have Junior Road Safety Officers who share regular road safety messages to the rest of the school in assemblies and newsletters.
During the school year the children go on a variety of educational visits. Every year our Year 6 children enjoy a week long residential.
Year 5 learn the guitar with wind lessons offered to the children in Years 4 - 6 by the County Music Service.
We also work closely with the local schools and often have sports fixtures with schools in our cluster.
Children enter our Reception the academic year they turn 5. At the end of Year 6, the majority of our children transfer to Stowupland High School.
The safety of our children is very important to us at Freeman and our Designated Safeguarding Leader is Mrs Emma Gerry (Acting Headteacher) and the alternates are Mrs Claire Gilson (SEND Co).
The prevention of children being radicalised or influenced by extremism is a very serious threat which we take very seriously.
The Prevent Lead at Freeman is Mrs Emma Gerry.
Keeping our children safe on electronic devices and educating them to keep themselves safe is important to us at Freeman.
The Online Safety Lead is Mrs Emma Gerry.
Our Children in Care Leads are Mrs Emma Gerry and Mrs Claire Gilson.
If you would like to arrange a visit we would be delighted to meet you. Please contact the school office on 01449 612067 to make an appointment.