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Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs)

JRSOs are a very important part of our school. They are volunteers from Year 5 and Year 6 who apply for the position to help raise road safety awareness and promote road safety issues to everyone in the school and the wider community.

What do the JRSOs do?

Here are just some of the responsibilities and activities our JRSOs get involved with:

· Lead assemblies on road safety topics

· Maintain a JRSO Road Safety Notice Board

· Run competitions in the school and organise prizes for the winners

· Get involved in organising safe and active travel activities, ie Walk to School Week

· Maintain a JRSO scrapbook to provide evidence of the topics covered

Who are the JRSO’s this year?

Amelia - Year 6

Macie - Year 6

Luke - Year 5

Madison - Year 5

They meet regularly with Mrs Lewis (JRSO Lead).

We recently submitted evidence from our scrapbook to the Road Safety Team to be assessed for the Junior Road Safetry Officer Scheme Awards for 2023-24.

We are thrilled to announce that we won a GOLD award!!

Huge congratulations to Amelia, Macie, Luke and Madison for all their hard work this year.



During the Autumn term, we led an assembly on BE BRIGHT BE SEEN and organised a competition to design a fluorescent jacket.

We wrote to Councillor Welham to ask if he would be able to help fund road safety projects. He very kindly gave us enough money to buy a reflective pendant for every pupil, JRSO Hi-Viz jackets and prizes for our competitions!

We also carried out our first JRSO Patrol. We have green flyers for good parking, yellow flyers where parking could be slightly better and red flyers asking drivers not to park in a particular area again.

Last term, we took part in Sustrans Walk and Wheel 2024, a national challenge to encourage pupils to make active journeys to school.  2,260 schools and 728,074 pupils took part.  Overall we were ranked within the top 7% of the Small Primary section coming 41/668, with a daily average score of 81.38% of children walking, cycling, scooting or parking and striding to school.  A fantastic achievement!

We also organised a Family Travel Trail and a Bike Check.

We recently led road safety training for children in Reception and Year 1 children using Street Feet. and have met with a member of Suffolk County Council's Road Safety Team to discuss ways in which we can help promote active travel to and from school.

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